Old age doesn't sneak up gradually, in a graceful manner.
No! It rears up suddenly and thumps you in the face, in the back, in the knees, or...
You get my drift?
My life was going swimmingly until the about May 2018.
Sure, I'd always had the odd health issue now and again, but they usually came one at a time.
In 2018, however that changed. Health issues dumped on me big time interfering in my life in more ways than I could ever have imagined previously.
In 2018 I spent more times in Doctor's surgeries, specialist centres, MRI machines and Xray machines than I did in travel agents, planes or foreign countries!
As of now, March 2019, that is going to change.
In 2018 I turned 73, which for me was a bitter pill to swallow, but my body decided to let me know even if my ego wouldn't.
I am lucky. I'm still here when a lot of people I used to know aren't. to be continued