Have finally organised my first kid's book to appear on Amazon. Had the help and expertise of my very helpful publisher, Jenny Mosher and her talented and super capable off-sider Ally. Thanks to you both.
Some thoughts on the book.
If fictional characters could be familiars then the ghost character Jack would be mine.
I can't choose Grey Dog because he is my heroine's familiar, even though she doesn't know it yet.
A couple of people have asked me if some elements in the story are autobiographical...I wasn't aware of that during the writing but I guess they could be. I do remember being a rebel at school and I did create a fantasy world underneath the kitchen table.
I have always loved reading and writing fantasy stories involving other worlds possibly as an escape from this one!
As far as writing goes...well it's a bit like my life really highs and lows - a bit like a seismograph!
I've always had difficulty with the middle bits of my novels. Beginnings and ends no problem but the middles?????
Then in February this year I came up with a solution, without realizing it. I found out what I'd done when I finished writing and started proof reading. I found that I had created a character who could fill in the middles for me, bridge any gaps, put in the missing bits, solve any problems and logically complete the story. Hence the title....The Story Fixer.
Here's her poem. Oh and just a note here.. when you get to the line "sometimes she's quite impudent"
1. I only use the term "impudent" it because it rhymes with student and
2. You need to pronounce it as im-piyoo-dent. That's it Enjoy. I'm off to walk the dogs!
Cassandra Knight
Is not quite like
Your average year five student
School doesn't work
And nor does she
Sometimes she's quite impudent.
But she can fix a story well
And what's more to her credit.
The pieces fit so well in place
I hardly need to to edit.
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